A Group Project:

This video was a group university assignment, where me and 4 of my peers worked tirelessly on.

The Idea:-
The requirement for the assignment was a "Creative Video Presentation" to present what we had learned so far regarding the two art movements we have studied: Futurism and Constructivism. So the idea we chose was having 2 paintings stolen from a museum in the 1940s, each painting from one of the art movements, and two detectives work to try and find the paintings and who stole them. 

My Role:-
During this project I had many different roles, as did all of us. I worked on VFX (Specifically the futurism painting on the table during the overhead shot, the actual painting is not there it is a blank paper which I tracked the painting onto), some sound design (mainly music, in the beginning when he switches the radio channel and the end credits music), some co-directing (everyone sort of directed the whole thing with everyone having unique ideas for how each scene should go, but my favorite scene that I thought of was towards the end when the detective figures out who the thief is and the Oppenheimer music plays with the color coming in to symbolize the clarity that the detective reached. also if you focus, you'll notice the "wine" in the glasses goes less as the video progresses, to symbolize how close the detectives are to cracking the case, and the glasses being empty during the end credits, showing that the case is over.), some editing (I compiled the shots for the end credits and chose the music and the sound effects) and photoshop for the final picture of the thief being behind bars.
The Video
End Credits Video (without credits)
The Assignment Grade ;)
Uni Project


Uni Project
